Saturday, June 25, 2011
Conair Ultimate Thermal Spa Bath Mat with Remote Control and Massage
Massage Chair Model Remote control bubble spa mat MTS15Infrared:, Brand Conair # 11 Each All arrived in perfect condition and worked as indicated on the right out of the box with minimal installation effort. Of course it is very easy to use. I recommend for smaller tanks surround the bath mat is stiff and angular prevention work properly when the tank is sitting bent considerably. A large tank (I'm not sorry to say too large) should be treated thoughtfully. BTW, "heat" in this spa is nothing special (which was expected). The water temperature in the tank does not increase, but more or less than hot air bubbles associated with the action maintained. And a lot of bubbles, this is not so bad. I bought this product a few weeks ago and I'm disappointed. This "little" loud, but I can handle it. Can not Handl ...