Sunday, May 29, 2011
Honeywell HHT-011 Compact Air Purifier with Permanent HEPA Filter
HEPA Air Purifier Honeywell Permanent HEPA-Type Air Purifier table is 99% effective in reducing airborne particles such as dust, smoke tobacco and snuff, pollen, cat dander and mold spores in the air that passes through the filter., Mark Honeywell, white, optional ionizer to clean, wash before filterPermanent type of HEPA filter up to 99 percent of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, smoke and dustMeasures 10 inches is 6 inches by 11 inches, 3 warrantyNightlight One-year limited role in providing a smooth table illuminationCompact cleaner rooms up to 85 square meters Honeywell HHT-011 Air Purifier table proved to be just what I needed. He sits in a comfortable bedroom. Very stable and does not shake or vibrate, but it produces a kind of "White Noise", which is incredible to promote sleep (you can barely hear the smallest three-speed), store it ...